Where the Funds Go
The funds raised through this year’s 30-Hour Famine will support World Vision’s community development work in the countries below, providing communities with Health & Nutrition, Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) and Livelihood assistance. This includes:
Providing PPE and disinfection kits to increase their protection against COVID-19.
Developing inclusive and accessible nutrition awareness to mothers and caregivers of children under five.
Providing sufficient nutrition assistance for malnourished children.
Providing the basics of climate-smart agriculture practices (CSAP) through training, seeds and plants. CSAP will build awareness on and encourage farmers to adopt climate-smart agricultural and innovative practices.
Sri Lanka
In Malaysia
The 30-Hour Famine 2022 will fund projects that are on the mission to protect and support vulnerable children and families in Malaysia.
- World Vision’s Malaysia Assistance Fund supports health & nutrition, education, livelihood and child protection projects in Mukim Tulid and Tatalaan, Sabah.
- The Community Placement and Case Management (CPCM) Programme by SUKA Society provides safety, permanency and well-being for vulnerable children who do not have any parental care and are at risk of abuse, neglect and exploitation.
- Project H.E.A.L (Healthy Eating and Living) by Fugee School offers Fugee students an understanding of how best to have a healthy lifestyle that includes the right diet and activities such as outdoor sports, gardening, cooking classes and “Farm-to-Table” visits.